Measure the success of your recipe through analytics. Analytics in Context are high level metrics that allow you to gauge the success of your recipes.
Date range comparisons
All analytics are based on the selected date range, which is set to the last 7 days by default (ending yesterday).
Whenever you see a comparison value, it’s based on the same period from the previous time frame.
For example:
- With the last 7 days selected, the comparison is for the 7 days before that.
- With September selected, the comparison is for August
Three levels of metrics
Averaged metrics across all recipes
On the dashboard, the top row cards present the number of sessions that have been run across all of your personalization recipes.
In addition, Context display the average conversion rate and average order value across of all your currently running recipes.
Recipe metrics
At the recipe level, Context presents the:
- number of sessions
- number of impressions
- percentage of engagement with sections that have been swapped out when the recipe ran
- Units per transaction (UPT) sold when this recipe ran
- Average order value (AOV) when this recipe ran
- Conversion rate (CVR) when this recipe ran
Section performance metrics
It’s helpful to think of “Section performance” as “Reach”. Section performance displays the sections you’ve chosen to swap based on the rules for this specific recipe.
Section performance lists the:
- section name
- content variation name
- number of impressions for each individual section
- percentage of engagement for each individual section